Fitz handed Maddy a cup of tea, then settled himself beside her with his customary brandy. “That was a pleasant evening, wasn’t it?”

Maddy nodded absently. “Very pleasant.”

“I was hardly propositioned by any ladies once.” Fitz said with a grin. “If I was an insecure man, I might be offended by my sudden unattractiveness to the ladies of society.”

Maddy grinned then, taking a sip of her tea, her eyes unfocused across the room.

“What are you thinking of, little sister?” Fitz inquired, watching her. “You’ve been a bit out of sorts this evening.”

“Nothing, really.” Maddy replied. “Just thinking of the company this evening.”

“It’s damnably good to have Carrington back, isn’t it?” Fitz mused. “I’ve missed his company, though he seems a bit… changed since he returned from France, doesn’t he?”

Maddy nodded. “He does. He doesn’t seem to be as carefree as he once was.”

“Exactly.” Fitz agreed. “He’s still the same good Carrington, but a bit more reserved.”

“Indeed.” Maddy said softly. “Very… proper. He was never one to stand much on ceremony before, but…”

“He seems quite interested in you, Maddy.” Fitz said after a long pause. “He and I went for a drink before the evening’s entertainment, and he was asking me all about your growing up. I think he’s missed having family, and thinks of us thus.”

Maddy wanted to scream.

She didn’t want to be Jameson’s little sister.

She didn’t want to be interesting to him only for ‘growing up’.

She wanted…

Well, she wanted.


In all sorts of imaginative ways.

“Did he?” Was all she replied instead.

“He did. Wanted to hear all about Henry, and I set him straight on that score. Nice enough bloke, but…”
“But.” Maddy agreed, and Fitz grinned.

“Still, glad to have Carrington back.”

If only the real Lord Carrington were back, rather than this good looking replica who is treating her like a priceless heirloom, rather than how she wants to be treated.

Like a desirable woman.


Maddy bit back a curse as she pricked her finger with her needle for the fourth time.

Ever since their interlude the night before, she’d been concentrating on Lord Carrington, and not on the stitches of her needlework project in her lap.

Fitz was again at his desk, his hair sticking up in unfashionable spikes as he ran his hands through his hair unconsciously as he reviewed accounts from the estate. Both of them jumped when Billings, their butler, slid through the door and proffered an envelope to Fitz. “This just arrived for you, sir.”

“Thank you, Billings,” Fitz said, and Maddy set aside her needlework, knowing she was going to accomplish no more on it today.

“Huh,” her brother said, reading the letter. “It’s from Carrington. Apparently he has to return to his home in Gloucestershire, and has invited us, along with several other families, to join him. A sort of impromptu house party. He promises shooting for the men, and dancing for the ladies. Are you interested in leaving Bath for a fortnight or two?”

Maddy schooled herself not to look too eager at the thought. “Sounds like it could be a nice diversion – shall we go?”

“Aren’t you worried about missing all the balls and parties here in Bath? The Season is nearly in full swing…” Fitz said, watching his younger sister. “I don’t want you to miss out on meeting old friends, perhaps forming new friendships.”

“I have plenty of friends, and frankly, Bath can be a bit… stifling at times. You know how I miss the country, the wide open spaces. And besides, we’d still be among friends. You said other parties were going as well?”

“That’s true,” Fitz said. “And besides, I could ride on for a few days, return home to shore up some of these issues that are arising.” He gestured to the growing pile of papers on his desk. “Shall I send back Carrington a note that we’d like to come along?”

“Do you suppose he would extend an invitation to Rose?” Maddy ventured. “It would be lovely to have her along for company, particularly if I’m not acquainted with the other attendees.”

“I don’t see why he would mind,” Fitz said easily. “His estate is large enough to host half of Bath by my estimation. I’ll send along our acceptance, and ask if Rose may join us. We can all travel together, presuming her family is agreeable.”

“When are we to depart?” Maddy asked, tucking her sewing away – hopefully forever.

“It appears that the party is due to leave tomorrow and arrive in the evening – is that too soon for you?” Fitz asked.

Madeline shook her head. “No, no, that would suit me perfectly. I should go decide what to pack and then I’ll go call on Rose after her invitation has been issued,” she said, standing up with a smile. “Please let me know what Lord Carrington replies regarding Rose’s invitation, and please extend my thanks to him as well.”
And with that, she swept out of the room, trying to hide her wide grin at the turn of events.


“Oh, I love a house party!” Rose exclaimed a few hours later, rifling through her drawers and tugging out scads and scads of clothes.

“We’re going for a fortnight, not a year!” Maddy laughed as the clothing pile on Rose’s bed grew ever larger.

“I just love meeting new people, and getting away from the hustle and bustle of town for a bit sounds lovely.” Rose said, sitting down beside Maddy. “And I imagine you are longing for wide open spaces as well.”

“I confess I am. I’ve missed riding and walking in the country.” Maddy agreed. “And as you say, we’ll get to meet new people…”

“Or catch up on old acquaintances?” Rose said slyly, bumping her shoulder into Maddy’s. “Perhaps a certain dashing earl?”

Maddy sighed deeply and gave Rose a stern look. “You know that’s not the case. I told you… Lord Carrington and I… we’re in different circles now. And from the way he’s treated me thus far, I doubt he has any intention of seeking me out for company.”

Rose looked at her, and then dissolved into a grin. “But, my, he is lovely to look at, isn’t he?”

Maddy couldn’t help but laugh at her friend’s sly mind. “And what of you, dear friend? Perhaps romance will be in the air for you, instead!”

Rose’s cheeks suffused with pink. “Who says I want romance? Perhaps I’m perfectly happy being a woman of my own means.”

“Because I know you, Rose Rivenhall! You always dream of romance! You have ever since we were little girls!” Maddy squeaked. “You are just waiting for an earl or baron or marquess to sweep you off your feet and into his estate as his wife!”

“I’m not totally discounting viscounts or dukes, I’ll have you know. I don’t discriminate.” Rose said with a straight face, before they both broke down in giggles again.


Maddy drew in her breath as the carriage emerged from the copse of trees, bringing Lord Carrington’s estate into full view. The house was stately and enormous – the gardens well tended, and there in front stood the Lord himself, smiling and waving as the assembly of carriages came to a stop in a whirl of dust and excitement.

A fortnight – or two – ensconced in the Earl’s estate, away from the dances of Bath, the gossip, and, Maddy had to admit, in close proximity to Lord Carrington himself, held great appeal indeed.

She smiled as Lord Carrington extended a hand himself and helped first Rose and then herself down from the carriage before pressing a chaste kiss to the back of her hand. She felt a blush rise in her cheeks as his eyes met hers, neither of them saying anything but both feeling a sort of charge between them.

Or, at least, she felt a charge, starting in her temples and shooting to her toes before settling below her belly.
It was going to be an interesting fortnight – or two.

“Welcome, Lady Madeline,” Lord Carrington said formally, tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow. “I’m so glad you and your brother and your friend Rose were able to tear yourselves away from Bath to join me in the country for a while.”

“My pleasure, Lord Carrington,” Maddy demurred. “You know how I long for the country. I’m glad to be out in the fresh air, away from the gossip and stares. And your estate is truly beautiful. I’m looking forward to exploring it.”

“If you’ll permit me, I’d like to give you all a tour – we can take the horses out, so you can see it all,” Lord Carrington said with an almost shy smile, then glancing over to include Fitz and Rose in the invitation, much to Maddy’s chagrin.

“I’d like that,” Maddy said softly, feeling that same frisson of excitement in her waist at the thought of spending time with Lord Carrington, away from prying eyes and interested ears, despite the presence of others in the party. Maybe, just maybe, they might have a bit of time to speak only to each other during their visit to his home.

“Good,” he said. “I have much to do today, and I’m sure you’re weary from your journey, but perhaps tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow,” she agreed, matching his step as they entered his grand home, a parade of visitors in their wake.



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