England, 1816

He couldn’t decide which to do first after setting foot on solid ground again: go to the nearest establishment and drown himself in a tankard of ale, find a bit o’ muslin to lose himself in for a night (or two), or simply sink to his knees in the surf, happy to once again be home in England.

Or perhaps all three.

As the ship bumped into the dock of Bournemouth, Lord Jameson Carrington, the Earl of Wyrestone, heaved a sigh of relief and anticipation at finally be back home after spending so many of the intervening war years in France.

He longed to see the green rolling hills of his home, to bask in the company of his friends, to forget all the misdeeds he had committed for King and country.

And many misdeeds they were.

He hoped a return back home would help restore his soul – but that may be too much to ask…

Nonetheless, with a spring in his step, he stepped onto the dock – and made haste to the closest pub.

He had a lot of catching up to do.



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